wall 1
To see second wall click here.
I had a pleasure to create two murals in newly open Orientarium placed in Łódź ZOO, where I have painted among 7 other artists.
Murals were painted in very short time (two weeks), and depicted animals that you can find in Orientarium building.
Each of my wall was about 7 meters long and 3-4 meters height.
Since my walls were located in corridor passage, and you couldn’t see painting from the distance,
I have decided to make compositions with animals a little bit larger from their normal size, and to focus on details – feathers, fur, scales.
Walls had a beautiful green concrete colour, so I have resigned from painting any background, and used concrete in my project.
During my work I was observed by very curious wanderoo macaques.
April 2022
First mural depicts:
False gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii), Visayan warty pig (Sus cebifrons), Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis)