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I was invited to make a couple illustrations for UNGODZ project. A grotesque epic inspired by Eneide. It is an interactive RPG project. Few other illustrators take part in this publication.Illustrations were made with watercolour.  Story written by Marco TaddaiPublished by Hollow PressProject was created for Ratata Festival 2024

“Góralskie Czary”

GÓRALSKIE CZARY | HIGHLAND SPELLS “Leksykon Magii Podtatrza i Beskidów Zachodnich” “A Lexicon of Magic from the Podhale and Western Beskids” The book is a guide to the magical traditions of the Górale, the people who live in the Podhale (region of southern Poland) and the Western Beskids mountain range. It includes over 230 entries on a wide range of …

Cover for magazyn Pismo

Magazine cover for magazyn Pismo The Febuary’s (2024) theme was about illegal trash dumps in Poland. Illustration show how things that we throw away become a part of nature’s landscape. In Poland it is common for people to throw away trash in forests or in the fields.To criticise this attitude I have shown this issue in the …

The Book of Spells

THE BOOK OF SPELLSwinter 2021/2022 “Book of Spells” is a witchcraft guide, which contains 150 spells and rituals. My task was to depict them in interesting modern form, yet with various symbols and details.I have made over 60 illustrations. Here I feature some of them. .Written by Ella Harrison.Published by DK books  

Opowiadanie Magazine

OPOWIADANIE I have illustrated 14 stories for International Short Story Festival which took place in Wrocław (Autumn, 2019)Illustrations were published in a magazine OPOWIADANIE, which was designed by AnoMalia studio.  During the festival an exhibition of illustrations took place – in Szewska Pasja gallery. Two illustrations that have not appeared in magazine were shown. ●●● Magazine is avaible online, and …